LeMars Sportsman's Club Scholarship Program

The LeMars Sportsman's club will award 2- $1000 scholarships for graduating seniors in 2025

Scholarship Rules, Regulations, and Entry Procedures

These scholarships are open to any high school student classified as a senior at any Plymouth County School who is projected to graduate in 2025, is at least 18 years old, and is enrolling in an accredited 2 or 4-year undergraduate, vocational, or technical program.

Seniors from other Northwest Iowa high schools, who are a child or grandchild of an active LeMars Sportsman's Club member, are also eligible to apply.

Purpose of Scholarships:
The LeMars Sportsman's Clubs mission is to promote further understanding, appreciation, utilization, enhancement, and conservation of our natural resources, and the protection and preservation of wildlife.

Field of Study Requirement:
Applicants must be enrolled to major in one of the following conservation related fields. Other related fields will be considered.
-Forestry Soil and Water Conservation
-Soil and Water Conservation
-Natural Resources
-Land Conservation
-Land Management
-Fish & Game Management
-Wildlife & Fisheries Biology
-Conservation Law Enforcement

Complete and enclose a LeMars Sportsman's Club Scholarship Application
Write and enclose a short essay outlining your high school achievements, community and school activities, employment history, and your career goals. Enclose a short essay on what natural resource conservation means to you and why you think you are worthy of this scholarship.

Applications will be evaluated, and recipients will be selected by the LeMars Sportsman's Club Scholarship Committee, currently consisting of its Board of Directors.

Administrative Procedures:
Recipients must begin their studies within one year of their graduation from high school and be enrolled as a full-time student. Equal consideration will be given to both boys and girls.
The LeMars Sportsman's Club will hold the scholarship funds until written verification is received from the college where the student is enrolled. At that time, a check will be made payable to the college for the benefit of the recipient and mailed to the college.
Funds may only be used for tuition, books, educational supplies and/or room and board expenses.

Authority of the LeMars Sportsman's Club:
The LeMars Sportsman's Club alone, has the ultimate authority to amend any of the above rules to ensure fairness in the award of these scholarships. Any questions regarding the scholarships should be addressed in writing to the address mentioned below.

Application deadline is April 1st 2025!

Mail completed essays and application to:
LeMars Sportsman's Club
P.O. Box 75
LeMars, Ia. 51031